Westminster Boating Base
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15 Dec 3pm 58 places remaining

Members Christmas Party



Watersports session

Sailing and kayaking for youth & adult experienced users & members will be 11am - 2pm before the party (replaces usual sessions, bring packed lunch for after the session).


Party starts: 3pm

Free to all our youth members, adult sessional users & season ticket holders, schools and groups, volunteers, instructors and coaches and parents.


Awards and honourable mentions (4pm)

The WBB Panto

Party food

Party games & treasure hunt


Raffle: Tickets available on the day. £2 each. You've got to be in it to win it!


Generous donations for the raffle include:

Italian hamper from our neighbours at EMI DELI
Chateau de L’Auche Blanc de Noirs Champagne from local VINTAGE CELLARS
Greek goodies from new local restaurant MYKONOS on Wilton Street
Gail's goodie bag from GAIL's Pimlico
Thames Rockets voucher for 2 adults from Thames Rockets
Thames Clippers £50 voucher from Thames Clippers
Ethstat hamper courtesy of Wates
Houses of Parliament gift bag donated by the Houses of Parliament via Wates
Painting of Battersea Power Station donated by artist Rachel Megawhat https://somethingtoseehere.com/about
£50 Decathlon voucher from Shaftesbury Capital
£100 John Lewis voucher from our new friends at Green Zone Cleaning and Support Services
Bottles donated by Upperdeckers
James Bond 007 merchandise from Eon Productions
And more...


AND we've been promised a visit from Santa!


Let us know you're coming...


Pay £8 now to book onto the FREE PARTY and get 5 raffle tickets included (one free).


Click pay later for the FREE PARTY (you'll not be charged) - raffle tickets will be available on the day for £2 per ticket.



15 Dec 3pm 58 places remaining

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Members Christmas Party activities schedule

January 2025

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A Royal Yachting Association (RYA) & British Canoeing (BC) approved training centre, regulated by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA).

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